My goal for this weekend was to get my eyebrows threaded. After spending an hour searching the web and calling local salons, I realized that, just like Pole Dancing classes, Eyebrow Threading has yet to become a popular phenomenon here in the Humble/Atascocita/Kingwood area. There's a huge "kiosk" in Deerbrook Mall where this procedure is exclusively done, but I was looking for more of a salon experience. So, other than the one woman who sometimes goes into a local salon but who tried to urge me to come to her house instead, I had no other choice but to head to the mall...dangerous territory. Apparently, I wasn't the only one aware of the perils of the mall because husbandM made sure that he and P were going along, too!
"Not dressed up" was the name of the game today. Flat boots are my alternative to summer flip-flops, and jeans were replacing my latest fetish with leggings. Unfortunately, all of my jeans have had a weeklong appointment with the washing machine, and this was the "only" pair of jeans I had. I got them on sale at the Gap over the summer. I was skeptical of the patches on the legs...but I absolutely could not walk away from the $10 sale price.
So far, I've designated them as my contribution to the wacky tacky spirit days at school, but given the few options that I had today, I decided to reconsider. The problem that I've had with these jeans is that I've found it a challenge to make them "stylish". Today, I tried my best with the neutral long-sleeved tee. I added a pop of color with the scarf. And just on a whim, I decided to try on these earrings that were a Christmas gift. When all was put together, I kind of liked it, but I was still unsure. Knowing that I could spend hours trying to revamp...I went ahead with it.
About the threading: when it comes to the battle of wax vs. thread: I've always preferred the latter. It seems more precise to me. Once I arrived at the mall, I realized the S.H.A.P.E.S Brow Bar moved to a new location and now was set up like an actual salon. That was a plus. Before going "under the thread", I told the "Threader"? that I wanted to keep the thickness of my brows. I tend to have control freak tendencies, and they came out as I stood in front of the professional "Threader" detailing for her how I wanted my brows done, as well as what I did not want.
And what I did not want was just what I got.
It's time to reconsider the waxing.
the pieces (and the eyebrows):

(not the greatest eyes look a little scary!)
- Earrings - Christmas gift
- Red Scarf - Target (Fall/Winter '10)
- Tee - Gap (Fall '10)
- Jeans - Gap (Summer '10)
- Boots - Lucky Brand "Angel" (Winter '09)
- Belt - Forever 21 (old)
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