1. I like to shop.
2. Okay. I
3. I also have a family, mortgage, and those liiiiiittle things called bills.
4. Therefore, I also have a limited budget.
5. Oh, but I loooooove a good sale.
6. Sometimes, I think that I have a homing device for great deals, as I seem to show up at a store just at the "right" time.
7. I get an adrenaline rush when I find good promotions, specifically those that begin with the words "Take an extra" and end with "off clearance items".
(sigh) Let's not go there.
8. Anyway, I'm also a 6th grade Reading and Language Arts teacher.
9. But I don't dress "like one".
10. Meaning, I don't fit into the stereotype that a teacher should dress
11. I think I was one of the first (if not the first) teachers on my campus to wear heels that were three inches or higher.
12. I admit it. I've worn heels as high as five inches before (while teaching).
13. I also admit that I can be a little...uh, crazy, sometimes...maybe?
14. (You know what? On second thought, let's go with "non-traditional" as a better description!)
15. So, anyway, this blog is my attempt to share and receive inspiration for my style. As a teacher. And a wifey. And a mommy.
16. And to also share some of the funny/interesting stuff that I witness/experience day in and day out. As a teacher. A wifey. And a mommy.
17. These are me.
18. And I just try to be myself.
19. With a little bit of style.
And that's less than 20.
(See? I was honest. I guess I could add "honest" to my list, but then that would be item #20, and then that would make me a liar. So, never mind then..)
Lol! ;)
Thanks for visiting, and I hope you re-visit more than once and leave a little bit of you...or yourself...or your style. Feel free to email me at memyselfandstyle@gmail.com