*navy/grey Gap double layer open cardi (Winter '10) *The Limited Infinity scarf (Fall/Winter '09) *Gap Super soft long sleeve tee *Express Correspondent shorts (really old!) *Hue tights (from TJMaxx) *some kind of Italian leather boots (that are older than some of the students I teach) *necklace from Express (Fall/Winter '09?) *Gap fingerless long gloves
Luckily, the husby was home today, so I didn't have to deal with getting our four year old ready...or else late would have turned into
Fast forward to 7:38...still not fully dressed, but fully laden with issues. I had all the pieces from the pic on, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to go matchy-matchy with the scarf and gloves...I wanted to add a leopard print belt w/red buckle, but didn't have the time to really contemplate it...I really wanted to wear slim black pants with flat black boots, but...er...I...don't have any flat black boots....and I didn't want to forget to make my lunch.
Fast forward to 8:05. I was a little late, but not by much. I still had enough time to get ready before first period (that plan fell apart less than ten minutes later while standing in front of the copy-machine-that-jams-in-five-places-if-you-just-breath-on-it). My final outfit was a little on the monochromatic side, but I accessorized with confidence, dubbed the look "Hobo Chic", and decided to make the best of it. Even though I had still forgotten my lunch.
some of the details:
Gap Double-Layer Open Cardi see it here! |
Express Necklace |
Gap Fingerless Gloves/Arm Warmers? Recently purchased for about $5! |
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The Limited Infinity Scarf (Fall '09) for about $10! |
Be Style.
......interesting choice for a title...because if "HOBO'S'were this stylish,standing on street corners,and living under bridges would be not be viewed as unfortunate..but red carpet events.