Friday, June 3

Still Alive

Just so y'all know, I'm still alive!  The past week has been spent winding down the school year, so needless to say, uh, I was pooped.  But, I survived!  And on my first day of summer today...I spent it at a workshop!!! Yeeeeaaaaa!!!???

And I don't know what was up with Blogger and/or Google, but for the past week or so I haven't even been able to comment on your blogs b/c of the constant loop back to my Google sign-in screen once I hit the "Post Comment" was very frustrating.  But if any of you are having a similar issue, I unchecked the box that said "Keep me signed in" on the Google sign-in screen and have been able to post comments...for today, that is.  We'll see what happens tomorrow...

Anyway, since I don't have to get dressed (up) everyday, I'm not sure what I'll be posting now. 

Hmmm...Well, would you like to see me in my pj's, "house clothes", and uncombed hair?

You sure?

I mean, I can kinda see it now:  "Messy hair Monday"..."Tank top Tuesday"..."Wonderful Wedgie Wednesday"..."Crusty-eyed Cutey" on Thursdays...and "Neighborhood Freak Friday". 

Still not sure?

Well...I just may have to surprise you...


  1. Funny!.........Well maybe just for a change?...joking!! Lol

  2. Hahahaha!! I love your themes. =)
