Thursday, January 26

Operation: Back on Blogger

 Day 2 of the Operation:
Sweater - TJ Maxx
Cords - Gap
Shoes - Vince Camuto
Necklace - Express

I think I may be getting my groove back for blogging.  Even though it has been a few months, it feels like it was just yesterday.


Rushing home to take pics...

Sorting through them to find the "right one"...

Hurriedly logging onto Blogger to upload the photo...

Poising fingers over the keyboard, preparing to whip up a quick and witty post...

Pausing over the keyboard, attempting to think about a quick and witty post...

Falling asleep on the keyboard, dreaming of a quick and witty post...

Waking up 20-30 minutes later, giving up on that quick and witty post...


It's been a few months, but it feels like it was just yesterday today.

Wednesday, January 25

Cardi From Tiffany

Well, hello there!

Cardigan -Giveaway from Tiffany
Scarf - Target
Jeans - Express Zelda
Belt - Joe's Jeans
Rain Boots - Michael Kors MK City Rain Boot

Gosh, you probably don't remember me, but my name is Kish. 

I'm the owner (and abandoner) of this little ol' blog.

But, I'm back!  (I think...)

Really, I wanted to officially make a post about this adorable polka-dot cardi that I won in my homey-blogger-friend Tiffany's giveaway last summer.  (My favorite item from my loot was the necklace that I wore here.) 

This is my first time wearing this cardigan (it even has ruching and a ribbon/bow detail on the front), and it was the perfect piece to add a bit of fun to an otherwise dreary and wet day!

And so, this post is a shout-out to Tiffany!  Thanks for helping me to feel cute today! (I even tried to channel one of your poses in the first pic!)   ;)

Hope all of you are doing fashionably well!